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Montrose Campus yoga

The majority of students at the Montrose Campus balance work, family, and school, which requires us to offer many of our classes in the late afternoon and evening. The Montrose Campus does have a growing number of daytime classes.

Montrose Campus Schedule

Are you a veteran?
We can help with all of your benefit needs!

The Montrose Campus currently employs two veterans who will be happy to try to answer any questions and assist with registration. For other needs and direct benefits questions, please contact the CMU Veteran's Benefits and Services Coordinator in the Registrar's Office, located in the lower level of Lowell Heiny Hall, Room 121, by email at or at 970.248.1555.

Don't forget to submit your "Veteran's Intent to Register" form. Due EVERY semester. Late submission may delay your benefits. Available in the Montrose Campus office.

Currently Enrolled Students

Access the course schedule online through MAVzone.

  • Click on the "Student Academics" tab
  • Click on "Look Up Classes"
  • Click on "Registration Status" to find the date you can register

Prospective Students

Contact the Montrose Campus office at 970.249.7009 or if you are interested in applying and would like to discuss a potential course schedule.